Top Dressing in Western Canada
We are heading into what is looking like another typical year in agriculture where the only thing that is constant is change and wondering what the weather will do. This year in many areas of the Prairies had a dry fall, little to zero snowpack and what was there melted and ran off early leaving soil moisture levels at almost drought levels. This is leaving many producers wondering how to take advantage of high commodity prices while not having to risk putting down all the groceries into dry soil with no rain on the horizon.
Whatever your source of Nitrogen at seeding time, you already have top-dress capable, variable rate applicator on the farm: your Sprayer!
By adding only the proper set of VR Liquid Stream-Jet tips to your sprayer, you can take out that extra 10-20-30 lbs of N out of your seeding application or just to shoot for the moon with your yields and safely apply it in crop if the rain starts to come. If the moisture is not there, leave that liquid fertilizer in the tank until next year.
Using the Stream-Jet 3 stream tips you will get a band of fertilizer about every 6 ¾ inches allowing for the N to be easily accessible to the plants. Spray Tip manufacturers spend countless dollars and hours getting the precise droplet size so the chemical being sprayed stays on the plant, the large stream and droplets from the Stream-Jet tips that happen will touch the leaf on the way to the ground will roll off will ease.
If you are thinking that your sprayer is acre maxed out already and there is not enough time use the sprayer to apply fertilizer as well, we have a question for you: Do you every wish you could spray while it was raining? When there is a 60km/h wind do you just sit in your sprayer and think if I don’t go to fast and keep my booms low it probably won’t drift? Well top dressing fertilizer does not require good conditions to go, in fact, if it is raining or going to rain in the near future that is the perfect time to get out there. (Unless you got the Gumbo…) it will drive the Nutrients down into the root zone and the plants will start to uptake it immediately.
Please check out our quick reference chart that shows rates of 28-0-0, LBS of actual N applied with speed and pressure and consider if this is a fit for your operation.

If you have any questions please give us a call @ 1-866-509-0715 or send us an email
If you are looking for more sprayer capacity on your farm, you may also be interested in our new Connect Sniper! See the video below: