1″ Manifold Check Valve with 12# Spring

The Banjo BAMCV112 is a 1″ full port manifold check valve is made from polypropylene and resistant to chemicals and liquid fertilizers. The check valve has an opening pressure of 12 PSI and can be utilized on pressure or suction lines without causing pressure problems.

The BAMCV112 can be used a a foot valve on a 1″ suction line, or used in systems to prevent back flow of product on pumping systems or nurse trailers.

  • 300 P.S.I. maximum.
  • Internal 316 stainless steel spring.
  • EPDM gasket.­
  • Glass reinforced polypropylene.
  • One piece construction.
  • Requires 1″ Banjo clamps and gaskets

Polypropylene Construction:

The vast majority of Banjo valves and fittings are made from high-quality polypropylene. Polypropylene is the ideal material for valves and fittings. It is lightweight but still has a high impact strength. It is resistant to abrasion and stands up well to weathering. It can easily withstand temperatures up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit and can stand as high as 230 degrees Fahrenheit for short periods. The polypropylene resins are hardened with glass. This increases the strength, stiffness, and hardness of the polypropylene even further. It also reduces the amount that the material will distort under constant stress.

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